

Being a young 20 year old American, and having the first president you admire and watch be George Bush, you have this little extra incentive to focus on education, vocabulary in particular, you have a keen interest in the real truth, and a deeper curiosity of the impacts of widespread fear on a population. Maybe if I grew up under FDR in the 1940's when the nation was unified against a common enemy and everything seemed to be turning for the better. Or under Ronald Reagan when the Cold War began to cool and national pride arose once more. Maybe even under Thomas Jefferson, who could be unhappy after the Louisiana Purchase nearly doubling the size of the country? Maybe, just maybe things would be different. But their not and Bush was my first American "Hero" to look up to and that's why I'm here writing this now.

I remember learning about the honesty and integrity of America's founding fathers, the unrivaled structure and unprejudiced qualities of the Constitution, and the patriotism, boldness and bravery laid down in the Declaration of Independence. I remember learning about Robber Barons being overcome by the collaboration and creation of unions, and by the criticism of muckrakers and newspapers alike. I remember learning about a black preacher from the South shattering barriers and unjust laws, who's idea of the American dream was not of unimaginable wealth and prosperity, but of fairness and equality to be endowed upon us all. So my question now is, how is it that we have leaders in positions of such great power, who lived through 1960's, 70's, and 80's and are as ignorant about issues of civil rights, unjust wars, presidential cover-ups and lies, and using fear as a political ally, as they were before the Vietnam War (Iraq War), the 1960's Civil Rights Movement for African American's (Civil Right's for gay's across America), the Watergate scandal and cover-up (Bush's weapons of mass destruction) and the Red Scare or McCarthyism (Dick Cheney's terrorism scare tactics)?

The principles of the argument are the same now as it was then, just switch out the keywords. African American's (homosexuals) threaten the traditional way of life and workforce (marriage) which is why they should not be allowed to vote (get married). If we don't go and stop Communism (terrorism) now, it will end up here in America before you know it! Think about it in more than just the basic sense, is the idea of "spreading democracy" really much different from the idea of "stopping communism"? Are Jim Crowe laws really much different than denying marriage and adoption rights to homosexuals? Was Bush's war on oil in Iraq really much different than Henry Kissenger's secret bombings over Cambodia and the Vietnam War; and the justifications for these wars just the same, the Red Scare and the terrorist threats.

I am willing to let the Bush administration and all the unnecessary blood it has on its hands,  its lies/cover-ups, embarrassment, and disrespect in the global community to be forgotten about; so long as we now as a united population sharing a mutual interest in a serious improvement of our policies, attitudes, and judgements, are constantly striving to make this country number one in not just math, science, and english, but in moral's, fairness, and compassion.

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